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"Make a clean break!"The attack of eldest sister-in-law just stopped, the attack of disorderly dance had been already arrived again.At this time indiscriminately dance have already rounded eldest brother they, a knife cuts and connects to carry knife a land mine electricity to shoot the belly of the absolute being Long Cheng's castellan together, although don't can cut a waist, give absolute being the injury of Long Cheng's castellan compare me just that shot wanted to be much many, a knife cut 60 several ten thousand injuries, and again absolute being Long Cheng the castellan shot fly to get out and still take to have to slightly paralyze status at the same time.
"The red Yan is burning to explode!"Tyrannosaurus not waits that absolute being Long Cheng come back from castellan instauration, also not wait it to fall to the ground.Was direct to after death and again launch an attack at it, the empress of the absolute being Long Cheng's castellan carried on the back to directly send out an explosion voice,Artist Series, then the body is compulsorily stopped down.Combine anti- threw to return to.
"The red shadow turns over to dance eight squares!"The absolute being been again deep-fried to fly by the strong explosive force Long Cheng castellan the attack that can helplessly looking at a disorderly dance reach into, unique can attain ground to just protect oneself to have no much and greatly defensive of head, then body up be shot in a row, although the knife of disorderly dance has never canned tear open his/her own body up wear at in lichen A, but can directly shake to harm own body, moment inside unexpectedly be in a row shot up to 100, and every attacks can feel bodily vibration, can take more than about 100,000 injury every time.
"The east of the auspicious atmosphere come!"The attack of disorderly dance hasn't ended, the attack of eldest brother goes to again, and a sword stabs shot very in brief.But the speed is quick like sword light, one Shan but lead, the top of head of the absolute being Long Cheng's castellan came out-9999999 injury, eldest brother ground this recruits to compare with the first makes me promoting the decuple while seeing the eldest brother making this recruit in game power, the real strenght of the eldest brother still didn't calculate Gao at that time.The weapon in the hand certainly has already got I send to his Mo Xie, however at that time his opponent is a player in the China hero general assembly ground just, however at that time eldest brother with this recruit the injury isalmost up to 1,000,000 of attack second kill that warrior player.But right now is that the real strenght is stronger don't know how much doubly of the absolute being Long Cheng's castellan, but teed off higher injury, almost come to a must ground injury.Also is bad so at 1:00.Certainly even if is must injury also second not the absolute being Long Cheng's castellan, he ground the life value was really too many.
The attack of eldest brother is later on.Absolute being Long Cheng castellan ground the neck left a blood scar, certainly also just the blood scar is just.However make the absolute being Long Cheng's castellan feeling very shocked, have never thought this to recruit to attackstone oneself unexpectedly even reaction all have no, if isn't own real strenght compare that man chasing after woman Gao Chu is too many, afraid of this to recruit of the injury is still not only so.
The absolute being Long Cheng's castellan of shocked give the attack opportunity of eldest sister-in-law, the attack of eldest sister-in-law doesn't have superfluous recruit type, similar to the eldest brother, one sword and lead, if is a sword light flash across, but the injury wants much injury of decuple of being many, exceeding than the eldest brother-99999999,Beats Solo HD, almost come to a 100,000,000 injury to let the absolute being Long Cheng's castellan be getting more shocked, at the same time just eldest brother's rowing the blood scar of in his neck have already overflowed red blood, this is also the attack of eldest sister-in-law why will result in the reason of so strong injury.
The eldest sister-in-law directly annexs a same attack on the attack foundation of eldest brother, the eldest brother has already mown the cortex defense of breaking the absolute being Long Cheng castellan neck, then eldest sister-in-law easily the wound arrive the neck of the absolute being Long Cheng's castellan, unfortunately can not aggravate an attack again and also have no an opportunity again annex to attackstone, eldest brother eldest sister-in-law of this will appear after recruits attacking temporarily tired, can not annex an attack, and I again be apart from too far, disorderly dance although is near, because of he and eldest brother eldest sister-in-law can say a nothing important match, basically don't know to annex an attack, at the same time that absolute being Long Cheng castellan at drive continuous injury after, also immediately do a reaction, momentary protects his/her own neck, and takes out a grain of tablet from the body and directly knead ground, then go toward once the blood of neck put on, that is immediately still overflowing the neck of blood live blood.
"Ten thousand shadow dashes about!"Is disorderly to dance although don't repair to add injury from the attack cleft of eldest brother eldest sister-in-law, also have no an opportunity again harm the wound of that absolute being Long Cheng castellan neck, his attack still send out, directly toward the absolute being Long Cheng's castellan one knife cut, although the absolute being Long Cheng's castellan immediately responds to come over, by hand last gold color long the gun block before body, disorderly dance of the power of the knife can be not low and take strong spirit vigorously and cut the absolute being Long Cheng's castellan directly slippery back the number Be long-distance to leave, the absolute being Long Cheng's castellan makes use of a leg point to insert an underground, just will back power stop bottom, even if so, on the ground still drive the absolute being Long Cheng's castellan slippery a long long of ditch scar, at the same time absolute being Long Cheng castellan body top outside of the silk fabric tunic is also indiscriminately danced of the knife spirit tear to pieces into numerous fragments and peeped out an all-in-one silk AN of inside.
The direction that the absolute being Long Cheng's castellan is knocked down to back exactly I, although the distance of backset not calculate too far, again plus previous I rush through back of distance, that absolute being Long Cheng's castellan directly appears at my in front.
"Winds and clouds dragon Jue in the sky!"I directly towarded the absolute being Long Cheng's castellan to launch attack, dragon in the sky in the hand and then conversion returned to that shape weird sword, then toward the absolute being Long Cheng's castellan connect cut, each sword seems to take winds and clouds variety, at the same time also take Long Ling's sound repeatedly.
"Touch!"Just because of the absolute being Long Cheng's castellan strong live the knife spirit cutting indiscriminately to cut shot, body already some anteversions, now again be raided from the behind by me, immediately and cannot stop body power, be cut by me to lie prone to front of in the ground.
I touch a gun with the absolute being Long Cheng's castellan, be knocked down to the absolute being Long Cheng's castellan in nowadays from the first in the ground, however so a short while time, don't even arrive ten seconds, but the absolute being Long Cheng's castellan has already been harmed by us this pair shape, the life has already much decline 100,000,000, although to him, this also still not calculate what, but so greatly hurt is that he was ever since that time the absolute being Long Cheng's castellan, weigh most of injury.
"Drink!!"Tyrannosaurus still wants to take advantage o the absolute being Long Cheng's castellan be beaten to lie prone on the ground of continue again to attackstone of, but how that absolute being Long Cheng's castellan say is also absolute being Long Qu always only area eventually class BOSS, be up to super big BOSS of 499 classes, which is so easily deal with, after he fall to the ground, immediately shout at top of voice, start to be suffused with a burst of golden light on the body, will from part jump the Tyrannosaurus earthquake cutting down to fly, even I am also brought by that golden light of the spirit vigorously released quite a few rice distance.
"Is quite good!Is very good!Is very strong!"The absolute being Long Cheng's castellan in the golden light connect send out the phrase of three applauses, however we how not happy, because we discover that absolute being Long Cheng's castellan to just be beaten of that over hundred million lives being worth unexpectedly be in a twinkling added to return to here, and between the golden light, we still discover the outside tunic of the absolute being Long Cheng's castellan although the attack being indiscriminately danced tears to pieces, he now put on a gold dress that connects a body A, whole body as if be dressed in AN at the whole body gold in, connect before get hurt of the neck be also protected, unique leave of only have a face just.
"Hold, just of the attack white discarded, this returns how to beat,cheap dr dre beats."The disorderly dance sees after the circumstance of the absolute being Long Cheng's castellan, immediately call rise miserably come.
"Dozen not also want a dozen."I return to sentence, then immediately and again start an attack:"Long Lie in the sky gets empty Jue!"
Long Bian Shou's handle in the sky on the my hand is again made longer, take crack empty of spirit toward absolute being within golden light Long Cheng the castellan sting go.
"Ba----Dragon----True----Dragon----Ba!"Absolute being Long Cheng's castellan in the golden light sees after my attack, don't wait my attack to arrive and immediately started to counter-attack, the gold color in the hand long gun toward I again anti- sting come over.
However because of we 2 once was apart from far, our 2 people's guns all sting not to deal with, also collision not arrive the point of a spear of the other party, can't be like in the beginning so took place to collide, but more dangerous, because I sent out of Long Lie in the sky empty the Jue took to split air to flow to shoot to go toward the absolute being long Cheng's castellan, and Ba Long Zhen Long Ba of the absolute being Long Cheng's castellan attackstone equally also took to have sturdy current of air dynasty I counterattack back, and his current of air at leave the gold color on the his hand long gun, immediately become a together aureate current of air gold the dragon shoot toward me, then soon send out with me of the crack air flows to crash into together, my crack air flow unexpectedly be directly bumped Related articles:

